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Governing in Love Zoom Gathering
Governing in Love Zoom Gathering

Governing in Love Zoom Gathering

Meeting ID: 599 787 6438. Passcode: thehub

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Event Commences

29 June 2023, 7:00 am – 9:30 am AEST

Hub Without Borders Zoom


Join our Governing in Love ZOOM Gatherings every fortnight as we engage together to govern over topics and desires on Father's heart.

We gather united, delighted by our unlimited access to the Throne Room of Grace, where we perceive the Father’s heart and release restoration into our metron / sphere of influence.

We are New Creation Ascenders who live from the ETERNAL NOW with the Mind of Christ, operating from our New Creation ‘Heaven consciousness’. Living in the revelation that we are raised up with Christ, seated in REST in heavenly places, we explore our freedom from religious mindsets and warfare mentality. Our are minds renewed. We speak our agreement with Heaven from a COMPLETION reality.

We laugh, we engage, we share and worship, through Father’s loving flow, enjoying our synchronicity in ONENESS!

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